Monday, October 29, 2012

Get Fit, Feel Epic - Final Post

Wow, I can't believe it's the end of the challenge. A big thank you to Rebecca at Weight Wars for hosting this challenge & for introducing me to so many great new bloggers!

So here's how the challenge went.

First of all, even though I did not set a specific number of pounds to lose by the end of this challenge, I am going to share because I'm super pleased with my progress.

Since the start of this challenge, I've lost 7.5 kg (16.5 lbs) and 4.8% body fat. I've also dropped 4 jeans sizes!! I can no longer wear any of the trousers I own. The just shimmy off my hips. I won't be measuring myself until the 1st of November, but the proof is in the clothing!

I'm super-excited about this progress and I know it all has to do with the changes I've made in my eating habits as part of the Whole Life Challenge (you can read about my experience in the challenge here)  -- as well as all the exercise I've been doing.

Unfortunately, that's as far as the good news goes because the rest of my goals weren't really reached :/ I did well in most of them, but I wasn't able to complete them in their entirety.

1) Complete the C25K program - I'm close. I managed to get to week 7, but didn't finish the whole thing.

2) Complete 4 chapters of my Fitness Nutrition Certificate studies - I only managed to get through the first chapter and start the second

3) Work on increasing my core strength every single day - I was quite good at this, especially in the beginning of the challenge. However, as things got busy, my focused time on core work got pushed to the side and I was just doing as part of my regular exercises (e.g. crunches during CrossFit or plank during Body Balance etc.)

4) Do a minimum of two yoga/pilates/Body Balance sessions per week - I was pretty good at this too. I think over the past 8 weeks I only missed 4 classes. I also incorporated a yoga routine for my mornings which I've been pretty good at following. I'll definitely keep it up.

5) Complete my 4 week Gleason's boxing training program - I'm on Week 4 now. Again, I got side tracked but mainly because I started taking actual boxing lessons. So even though I didn't complete the plan, I didn't stop boxing.

I think I made a good attempt at completing my goals. I'm definitely going to keep working at them until I complete them. In the meantime, however, I end this challenge knowing that I've made some huge changes in terms of my lifestyle, particularly the food aspect. I'm eating incredibly well, losing weight, getting stronger, and having a blast while doing it.

What more could you ask for?

Onwards and upwards :) Thanks for all your support blogging community. You guys keep me motivated and moving!


  1. Final Post? Say it isn't so Iron Woman. Hey, my son's an illustrator in California. Tell me what colors you want it in and I'll ask him draw you a super hero costume as Energy woman or Iron woman, your choice. Some people pick the colors of their national flag, or their favorite colors. It may take awhile, he has a busy schedule, but he'll do it if I ask nice.

    1. Don't worry Marc. This is only my final post for the Get Fit, Feel Epic challenge. I'll still be posting regularly about other stuff :)
      I'd love a superhero costume as Energy Woman :) Purple and silver are my signature colors - and I wouldn't mind a purple daisy featured somewhere (after all, my name is Plum Petals ;) ) Thanks Marc!! Sounds so cool :)

  2. Those are some awesome stats, girl!!!! NICE JOB!!!!

  3. Anonymous1:53 PM

    You have totally killed it - all during the challenge. I bet you're feeling super fit and epic!

    I'm so interested in the Whole Life Challenge, and am seriously thinking about doing it in the New Year.

    Thanks so much for all the lovely comments and support during the challenge. I've really enjoyed reading your blog, and can't wait to see what you get up to next.



Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment! I can use all the support I can get :)