Saturday, March 30, 2013


This morning I weighed in at my lightest weight that I can ever recall ... and it put me at a solid 30 kg (65 lb) loss since I started taking losing weight and getting healthy seriously. I've only got 10 kg (22 lbs) left until I hit my goal weight -- it's so close - so very, very close. I just have to make sure I stay focused and disciplined. It would be easy to kinda rush the process but cutting my calories drastically, but that's not the point of my efforts. I will continue eating well and exercising hard and hope that I can continue to push forward and lose that 10 kg within this year.

I'm very happy.


  1. GOOD FOR YOU!!!! I am so so SO very happy for you! Keep up the good work, and CELEBRATE! Its a HUGE accomplishment to have lost 65 lbs and be so close to your goal!!!


  2. Big congratulations, my faraway friend! Hands up...chin down...feet in fighting position...keep chasing it!

  3. The poster is what you are living and the results are pretty fabulous. :)

  4. 65 lbs is great, congratulations on all your hard work and effort

  5. hi A! Really great about 65 pounds. I've personally lost about 60 pounds from my biggest weight so I really relate to you.

    :-) Marion


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