Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Quick April Review

Quick, quick, quick post - review of April

The Good Stuff
1) I completed my Fitness Nutritionist course and did really well on the final exam!
2) I wanted to complete 40 workouts this month & I completed 45!

The Okay Stuff
1) My weight goal was to end each month lighter than the previous one: I did, but I am disappointed with only a 1/2 kg (1 lb) loss for the month
2) My overall eating habits have been good, and I feel much more confident around food. However, I obviously still need to tweak my eating habits because with the amount I'm working out, it just doesn't seem to add up.

The Bad Stuff
1) I've been feeling really stressed out, which is affecting my sleep.
2) I've felt really disorganized and overwhelmed; I need to work on my time management and planning.

That's my basic post April review.

My May goals and plan for the month will be posted this weekend. I just need to survive the next 3 days.


  1. You did great in April and well done on your Nutrition results.

  2. Oh(?) So that's the secret of successful people...making monthly goals to achieve. Who knew!?! You're doing awesome as always;)

  3. the good stuff in your April list is very good and inspiring for me :)


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