Sunday, September 23, 2012

Get Fit, Feel Epic Week 3 Summary

I have to say, I'm feeling quite 'epic' :)

It's been a good week. I'm now starting week 2 of the whole life challenge (Day 9 summary here), and it is going so much better than I had hoped. I was so worried about what I would eat and how I would manage without diary, sugar, etc. but I have to say, I don't miss it at all. Over the past week I've had a few seconds of a craving - for a nice latte or for an After 8 mint chocolate - but they've literally just lasted a few seconds. I just moved on and stuck with the program.

This past week I've lost 4.5 lbs. During the week the number actually dipped lower, but I wasn't upset at all to see this number early this morning. I'm eating healthy and I'm eating well; I haven't been hungry at all. My meals are probably a bit repetitive or somewhat similar each day, but it doesn't matter. It's tasty enough to keep me going and definitely healthy so it keeps me feeling good.

Week 3 (Sep. 17 - 23)

1) C25K: This morning I went to the gym to do my final day of Week 4 only to find that I left my headphones at home. Shit. I felt like it would be impossible to run without my music; I'm so dependent on my playlist. I ummed and aaahhed for a minute and so and then told myself - 'Shut up and just do it already, you big whiny baby.'

So, I put my phone on the treadmill console and cued up the program. I already knew what I had to do - 5 min warm-up, 4 min run, 2 min walk, 6 min run, 3 min walk, 4 min run, 2 min walk, 5 min cool down. I set up the machine and I got to it ... and I did it! It wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. I wish that self-doubting/excuse-making voice would just die already, but she's stubborn. I guess I'll just have to learn to ignore and push past her.

So, this week I only got in 1 session, but with it I completed week 4! I'm so happy that I'm halfway done. I'm actually looking forward to Week 5. I really feel like the strength I've gained from CrossFit is helping me move better!

2) Nutrition studies: Ummm - nope. Haven't started yet. I've been working on a research paper (related to my PhD research) plus grading papers. I really need to make more of an effort to at least start!

3) Core work: I started off strong, but then only managed 4 days instead of 5. It's not like I'm not doing any core work (like we're getting core work done at CrossFit and Body Balance), but it's the 10 minutes I want to focus on in the morning that just doesn't seem to be coming through on the weekends. Again, a bit more of an effort needed here.

4) Balance: I've been doing my 15-minutes of yoga each day and I'm loving it. I'm already feeling myself become more flexible. I also made it to one Body Balance class this week.

5) Gleason's boxing: I started Week 2 and I'm hoping that soon I'll be taking specific boxing lessons at the CrossFit box ... but we've still got to figure out the timings.

Week 3 Challenge - Rebecca set up a mini CrossFit workout:
10 burpees
20 squats
30 push ups

I did this today - round 1 completed in 1 min 35 seconds; round 2 completed in 1 min 55 seconds; round 3 completed in 1 min 45 sec.

The challenge for week 4 is to do something I've never done before ... am not sure what task I'll take on, but I'm sure it'll be interesting :)


  1. well done on your progress so far looks like your doing well. I'm very impressed with how well you are doing with your food challenge! Keep up good work sounds like its working for you. S xx

    1. Thanks Sarah. I'm trying not to over-think the whole thing and take it one day at a time. So far so good :)

  2. Well done that's brilliant! I can't wait to start C25K, I've just got to get some running shoes and I'll be off :) Although it'll be difficult to motivate myself with the cold weather setting in I think sometimes, as you say, you've just got to be strong and go with the voice that you know is right! x

    1. Thanks :) C25K feels intimidating at first, but the key is to just push past the doubts and go for it. So far the program hasn't let me down. Good luck getting started :)

  3. Well done PP!! Great weight loss - and I know just how you felt without your music, I struggle without my playlist too xx

    1. Thanks Sarah! It was tough without my music, but now I know that I can push through without using it as an excuse to skip the run :)

  4. Anonymous10:03 AM

    What a fantastic result - I bet your silk dress is looking better and better by the day:)

    1. Thanks :) I haven't tried it on yet. We'll see how it looks in a few days!

  5. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Well done on your progress so far. I get that same nagging voice telling me to quit when I'm running sometimes. It's a real effort to ignore it and push past the pain. Fantastic effort to keep moving, especially without music. Luckily, I tend to run outside in the country and never listen to music but running on a treadmill is so dull. Well done for sticking with it xxx

    1. I'm hoping that the running will eventually get easier and not so intimidating. I have yet to run outdoors - perhaps as the weather cools down a bit.

  6. I want to say Well Done too. Great job. 4.5lbs that is epic. Be safe with this weight loss thing.

    1. Thanks Deanna! I think this week's results were different because it marked the initial impact of all the dietary changes I've made. I'll be content with a slow and steady loss, though I have to say it felt great to see the number go down so much :)


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