Saturday, April 7, 2012


A much needed day of rest for me today -- my ass and thighs are definitely feeling the impact of all those squats and lunges from yesterday's Body Pump class ... totally a good kind of sore though :)

The trainer that I'm hopefully going to get a chance to work with soon posted this video on his website:

I'm a LONG way from here, but damn, what motivation!


  1. I LOVE body pump!! My thighs always hurt two days after that one!!!! I actually had to give it up while I train for my half marathon!!! I was always to sore to run!!

    1. Me too! My thighs are extra-sore today ... I can only imagine how it would feel to attempt to run after a Body Pump session!

  2. Damn! What a great video!

  3. Okay, wow. Crazy video. I have on my goal list to try a Cross Fit class. But now I'm not so sure!!!!

    1. Don't let the video discourage you!! It's meant to empower you :) These women must have gone through months and months (if not years) of training ... you've got to start somewhere. Go for it!! :)

  4. I am always amazed at what the human body can do! Awesome video, thanks for sharing! Now I have to take a nap, just watching it exhausted me ;).

    1. I know what you mean! Seeing those women run up and down the stairs carrying sandbags was exhausting! :D


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