Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Busy, Busy

I didn't get around to posting yesterday - and today's post will be short too ... I'm really caught up with my research writing at the moment and can't really concentrate on writing a proper blog post.

I just wanted to assure you that I'm still working out and eating well.

I've tried a few more things - a bit of dairy (nothing too exciting), a bit of cheese (the only thing to date that I did enjoy eating), and a bit of chocolate (I actually prefer the cheese). None of the non-Whole Life Challenge foods appeal to me so I feel quite relieved about that.

So far this week I went to RPM class on Sunday - my legs felt really nice and strong; I hit up Body Balance on Monday morning and then CrossFit in the evening. I love seeing my strength improve but some of the WODs still really intimidate me! Today was mild - just focused on practicing my double-unders. I'm finally managing to get the occasional consecutive double-unders, but it is a very, very rare occurrence. Still, practice makes perfect, so I gotta keep practicing!

Short and sweet for today. I'll leave you with some motivational words.


  1. Hi Energy Woman! I really like the acronym for CRAP and FOOD. I'm going to borrow it:)

  2. Hey, I just now found this blog, I am subscribed to your other blog, and kept wondering why I never hardly see any new posts from you. Now I get it! You have two blogs.


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